Jordan and the Real Dirty Dancing!
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Jordan and The Real Dirty Dancing
Our very own Jordan Darrell is currently on your television sets every Monday and Tuesday evening as a guest choreographer and judge on E4's The Real Dirty Dancing.
What does the show entail?
If you haven't watched it so far, where have you been?!
Don't worry we will give you the overview. Anthea Turner, Lee Ryan, James Argent, Bobby Seagull, Marnie Simpson, Saffron Barker, Verona Rose, Darren Harriott, Tom Malone JR and Chelsee Healey are all competing to be the BEST Baby and Johnny, from the cult classic film Dirty Dancing.
Jordan is working alongside comedian Keith Lemon and Pussy cat Doll Ashley Roberts to chose the winning celebrities but also to help them become the best they can be in the show!
The celebs will be going through a number of Dirty Dancing sequences challenges and routines over the course of the 8 episodes at an incredible remake of the filmset in Lakeside.
Where can you find him?
The show is running for the next 3 weeks every Monday and Tuesday on E4 and All 4 at 9pm. You can also catch up with the episodes you may have missed this week. You love Jordan in our show? You will love him more when you see him in this!
Make sure you check it out!